•Basic Stats
Max Health | 3093 |
Max Mana | 490 |
Physical Attack | 160 |
Magical Attack | 10 |
Physical Defense | 87 / 12.6% |
Magical Defense | 50 / 7.6% |
•Offensive Stats
Movement Speed | 365 |
Critical Damage | 200% |
Attack Range | Ranged |
•Defensive Stats
Health/5s | 44 |
Mana/5s | 17 |
Zhou Yu has one passive, and three skills, all dealing with Magical Damage.
P: Blaze
[Magical Damage] [Slow] [Mark]
Zhou Yu's Basic Attacks and skills place fire marks on enemies (including structures) for 4s. At 4 stacks, the marks ignite, dealing 125 (125 + 17% MATK) magical damage per second for 4s and reducing the target's Movement Speed by 30% for 1s.
Targets cannot gain more marks while burning.
S1: Wildfire
[Crowd Control] [Speed Up] [Slow] [Magical Damage]
Zhou Yu summons a wind domain. Teammates within the domain gain 10% Movement Speed, while enemies' Movement Speed is reduced by 20% for 3s. When the wind is invoked, enemies within range are knocked back in the target direction and take 200 (200 + 30% MATK) magical damage.
If the wind domain overlaps with a fire domain for 1s, a new fire domain spreads in the target direction, dealing 100 (100 + 25% MATK) magical damage every 0.5s. This damage stacks with any existing fire domains.
Max Level Knockback Damage: 400
Max Level Burning Damage: 200
Mana Cost: 60
S2: Scorching Bolt
[Magical Damage] [Recover]
Zhou Yu calls down a volley of flaming arrows at the target location, dealing 250 (250 + 34% MATK) magical damage and leaving behind a fire domain that lasts for 6.5s. The fire domain deals 100 (100 + 30% MATK) magical damage to enemies within range every 0.5s. There can be up to 6 fire domains present at any time, after which creating a new fire domain will extinguish the first one. Zhou Yu stocks 1 volley every 9s (affected by Cooldown Reduction), and up to 3 can be stocked.
Passive: While inside a fire domain, he recovers 35 (35 + 7% MATK + 2% extra Max Health) health every 0.5s.
Max Level Stock Time: 7
Max Level Arrow Damage: 500
Max Level Burning Damage: 200
Max Level Health Recovery: 70
Mana Cost: 50
S3: Flames of War
[Crowd Control] [Magical Damage]
Zhou Yu unleashes a burst of flames in the target area, dealing 200 (200 + 40% MATK) magical damage. If the flames travel through a fire domain, a firestorm is created, dealing an extra 200 (200 + 40% MATK) magical damage to enemies within range and stunning them for 1s.
Max Level AoE Damage: 400
Max Level Fire Storm Damage: 400
Mana Cost: 100
Upgrade his second skill first to push away his enemy, followed by his first skill to create more fire domains. And lastly, his ultimate for stunning his targets.COMBO
• S2 - S2 - S1 - S2 - S3 (Make sure fire domains don't overlap as it will not have additional damage if it did.)BUILD
Boots of the Arcane | |
Mask of Agony | |
Twilight Stream | |
Insatiable Tome | |
Augur's Word | |
Splendor |
Harmony (x10) | |
Mind's Eye (x10) | |
Nightmare (x10) |
Flash |
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