•Basic Stats
Max Health | 3036 |
Max Mana | 490 |
Physical Attack | 168 |
Magical Attack | 10 |
Physical Defense | 87 / 12.6% |
Magical Defense | 50 / 7.6% |
•Offensive Stats
Movement Speed | 360 |
Critical Damage | 200% |
Attack Range | Ranged |
•Defensive Stats
Health/5s | 43 |
Mana/5s | 18 |
Dr Bian has one passive, and three skills, all dealing with Magical Damage.
P: Malicious Practice
[Mark] [Magical Damage] [Heal]
Dr Bian's Basic Attacks and skills place a poison mark on enemies for 7s (up to 5 stacks), dealing 20 (20 + 5% MATK) magical damage per second.
Healing skills place a healing mark on teammates and himself for 7s (up to 5 stacks), restoring 3 (3 + 2% MATK) health per second to teammates, and 3 (3 + 2% MATK + 0.15% extra Max Health) health per second to himself.
Max Level Health Recovery: 6
S1: Deadly Panacea
[Slow] [Magical Damage]
Dr Bian throws a vial of lethal poison that shatters upon impact, releasing a pool of poison for 4s. Every second, it deals 60 (60 + 12% MATK) magical damage to enemies within the area and slows them by 30% for 2s. Dr Bian stocks 1 vial every 12.5s. Up to 3 vials can be stocked.
Max Level Base Damage: 120
Max Level Stock Interval: 10
Mana Cost: 40
S2: Fatal Diagnosis
[Magical Damage] [Heal]
Dr Bian unleashes a concoction, dealing 100 (100 + 30% MATK) magical damage to enemies hit and restoring 50 (50 + 15% MATK) health to nearby teammates.
Max Level Base Damage: 200
Max Level Health Recovery: 100
Mana Cost: 60
S3: Master of Life
[Magical Damage] [Heal]
Dr Bian detonates all nearby marks, dealing 150 (150 + 40% MATK) magical
damage to enemies and healing teammates for 70 (70 + 20% MATK) health. Each mark increases the damage and healing by 50%.
Additionally, Dr Bian heals himself for an extra 400 (400 + 30% MATK + 5% extra Max Health) health.
Max Level Cooldown: 12s
Max Level Health Recovery: 140
Max Level Extra Recovery: 800
Mana Cost: 130
Choose his first skill to put a poison mark on the enemy, followed by his second skill for healing. And lastly, his ultimate for detonating the marks.COMBO
• BA - S1 - BA - S2 - BA - S3BUILD
Boots of Deftness | |
Holy Grail | |
Augur's Word | |
Breakthrough Robe | |
Savant's Wrath | |
Void Staff |
Harmony (x3) | |
Hunt (x7) | |
Mind's Eye (x10) | |
Omen (x1) | |
Nightmare (x9) |
Flash |
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