•Basic Stats
Max Health | 3564 |
Physical Attack | 191 |
Physical Defense | 99 / 14.1% |
Magical Defense | 50 / 7.6% |
•Offensive Stats
Movement Speed | 380 |
Critical Damage | 200% |
Attack Range | Melee |
•Defensive Stats
Health/5s | 54 |
Lu Bu has one passive that deals True Damage, and three skills -- all dealing with Physical Damage.
P: Bloodthirsty Ancestry
[Enhance] [Recover] [True Damage]
When Lu Bu hits an enemy hero with the slash of his Crescent Halberd during his Skill 1 or Ultimate, he becomes enhanced for 8s. While enhanced, he deals true damage.
In his enhanced state, he recovers 50 (50 + 2% extra Max Health) health for each Basic Attack hit on an enemy.
S1: Impaling Thrust
[Physical Damage]
Lu Bu slashes in the target direction with his Crescent Halberd, dealing 500 (500 + 260% extra PATK) physical damage to enemies within range. He loses his enhanced state if the slash does not hit an enemy hero. While enhanced, he recovers 100 (100 + 4% extra Max Health) health whenever he hits an enemy with his Skill 1.
Max Level Base Damage: 1,175
Max Level Health Recovery: 200
S2: Souleater
[Shield] [Slow] [Recover] [Physical Damage]
Lu Bu captures the souls of enemies in the target area, dealing 100 (100 + 40% extra PATK) physical damage and reducing their Movement Speed by 30% for 3s. Each captured soul grants him a shield, for up to 3 stacks. Each stack of shield negates 300 (300 + 10% extra Max Health) damage. He converts 25% of his remaining shield to Health every second, gaining 1 Health for every 2 points of shield.
Max Level Base Damage: 200
Max Level Shield: 600
S3: Tremble, Mortals
[Crowd Control] [Movement] [Physical Damage]
Lu Bu leaps to the target location and creates a ring of slaughter, launching enemies within range for 1s. He has crowd control immunity during the leap. Upon landing, he swings his Crescent Halberd, dealing 550 (550 + 280% extra PATK) physical damage to enemies within range.
He gains 150 Physical Defense and 150 Magical Defense within the ring. Enemies touching the edge of the ring take 150 (150 + 75% extra PATK) physical damage and are slowed by 50% for 2s. Heroes who take damage this way restore 100 (100 + 4% extra Max Health) health to Lu Bu.
While enhanced, he instantly gains an equivalent amount of Health when hitting enemy heroes.
Max Level Base Damage: 1,100
Max Level Touch Damage: 300
Max Level Defense Boost: 250
Max Level Health Recovery: 200
Pick his second skill to slow his target and gain a shield, followed by his first skill, then his ultimate for using his enhanced state.COMBO
• S3 - BA - S2 - BA - S1 - BABUILD
Blazing Cape | |
Boots of Resistance | |
Axe of Torment | |
Cuirass of Savagery | |
Pure Sky | |
Succubus Cloak |
Harmony (x10) | |
Eagle Eye (x10) | |
Fate (x10) |
Flash |
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