•Basic Stats
Max Health | 3445 |
Max Mana | 430 |
Physical Attack | 183 |
Physical Defense | 84 / 12.2% |
Magical Defense | 50 / 7.6% |
•Offensive Stats
Movement Speed | 380 |
Critical Damage | 200% |
Attack Range | Melee |
•Defensive Stats
Health/5s | 50 |
Mana/5s | 15 |
Zilong has one passive, and three skills all inflicting Physical Damage, with his skill 2 dealing additional Magical Damage.
P: Dragon's Roar
[Damage Reduction] [Shield]
Zilong gets stronger the more he fights. As his Health declines, his potential is triggered: he enjoys greater damage reduction and his basic skills are enhanced.
Hidden Dragon: When his Health is more than 66% and less than or equal to 100%, he gains 5% damage reduction.
Dragon Portent: When his Health is more than 33% and less than or equal to 66%, he gains 10% damage reduction, the dash distance of Skill 1 increases by 50, and Skill 2 now comes with 1 additional Dragon Spear strike.
Dragon in Flight: When his Health is more than 0% and less than or equal to 33%, he gains 20% damage reduction, the dash distance of Skill 1 increases by 100, and Skill 2 now comes with 2 additional Dragon Spear strikes.
Any Health in excess of the current bracket will be converted into a permanent shield. When a shield Health bracket is full, excess shield value will be
converted into Health instead.
S1: Thunderbreaker
[Movement] [Enhance] [Physical Damage]
Zilong charges forward with his spear, dealing 350 (350 + 120% extra PATK) physical damage.
The next Basic Attack is enhanced and deals an extra 120 (120 + 40% extra PATK) physical damage and slows the enemy by 25% for 2s.
This skill's cooldown is reset each time there is a change in his Passive slots.
Max Level Base Damage: 700
Max Level Extra Damage: 240
Max Level Slow: 50%
Mana Cost: 30
S2: Stormpiercer
[Recover] [Physical Damage] [Magical Damage]
Zilong jabs the target enemy 4 times, each jab dealing 190 (190 + 40% extra PATK) physical damage and recovering 60 (60 + 2.5% extra Max Health) Health.
The passive slots of Zilong's Dragon Portent and Dragon in Flight grant his Dragon Spear additional induction mark damage. Dragon Portent deals an extra 25 (25+ 10% extra PATK) magical damage with each hit. The induction mark damage from Dragon in Flight is doubled.
Max Level Base Damage: 380
Max Level Health Recovery: 120
Max Level Induction Damage: 50
Mana Cost: 40
S3: Skysplitter
[Crowd Control] [Movement] [Physical Damage]
Zilong leaps to the target area and unleashes a lightning strike, dealing 550
(550 + 150% extra PATK) physical damage to enemies within range. Enemies in the center of the attack are launched for 1s.
50% of the cooldown is returned if no enemy heroes are hit.
Max Level Base Damage: 1,100
Mana Cost: 75
Choose his first skill for being able to pass through some of the obstacles, followed by skill 2 for health recovery. Then his ultimate for leaping through walls and crowd control.COMBO
• S3 - BA - S2 - BA - S1 - BA (During team fights or while hiding from the brush.)• S1 - S3 - BA - S2 (When chasing an enemy.)
Rapacious Bite | |
Boots of Resistance | |
Axe of Torment | |
Master Sword | |
Cuirass of Savagery | |
Pure Sky |
Stealth (x10) | |
Eagle Eye (x10) | |
Mutation (x9) | |
Red Moon (x1) |
Smite |
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