•Basic Stats
Max Health | 3443 |
Max Battle Spirit | 200 |
Physical Attack | 198 |
Physical Defense | 94 / 13.5% |
Magical Defense | 50 / 7.6% |
•Offensive Stats
Movement Speed | 370 |
Critical Damage | 200% |
Attack Range | Melee |
•Defensive Stats
Health/5s | 78 |
Lian Po has one passive, and three skills, all dealing with Physical Damage.
P: Warrior's Soul
[Immunity] [Damage Reduction] [Recovery]
Lian Po has crowd control immunity while using his skills. When in combat, Lian Po gains Battle Spirit continuously, and his Basic Attacks and skills grant more Battle Spirit on hit. Battle Spirit provides 0-20% damage reduction (based on the value of Battle Spirit). At max Battle Spirit, his Attack Speed is increased by 30%.
When out of combat, Battle Spirit diminishes over time, and is converted to 70 (70 + 1.5% max health) Health recovery each time it diminishes, for up to 10 times in total.
S1: Burst Ram
[Movement] [Crowd Control] [Physical Damage]
Lian Po dashes in the target direction, dealing 150 (150 + 3% extra max health) physical damage to enemies in his path and launching them for 0.5s.
Passive: Every third Basic Attack is a heavy strike that deals 250 (250 + 100% extra PATK) physical damage.
Max Level Base Damage: 300
Max Level Extra Damage: 500
S2: Magma Slam
[Physical Damage] [Shield] [Slow]
Lian Po slams the ground with one hand to gather power and gains a shield that negates 400 (400 + 10% extra max health) damage for 5s. While he gathers power, the Movement Speed of enemies within range is reduced by 30%, and non-hero enemies are pulled toward him.
The ground splits open 1s later, dealing 300 (300 + 120% extra PATK) physical damage to enemies within range. The closer an enemy is to the epicenter, the more damage they take, up to an extra 100% damage.
If any enemies are within range when he begins to gather power, Skill 1's cooldown will be reset.
He can use other skills while Skill 2 is in use.
Max Level Base Damage: 600
Max Level Shield: 800
S3: Tremor Smash
[Physical Damage] [Crowd Control] [Movement]
Lian Po leaps to the target location and hammers the ground 3 times. The direction of each strike can be adjusted using the movement wheel.
Strike 1: He deals 200 (200 + 5% extra max health) physical damage to enemies within range and reduces their Movement Speed by 30% for 1s. Enemies in the center take an extra (60% extra PATK) physical damage.
Strike 2: He deals 300 (300 + 10% extra max health) physical damage to enemies within range and reduces their Movement Speed by 50% for 1s. Enemies in the center take an extra (90% extra PATK) physical damage.
Strike 3: He deals 500 (500 + 15% extra max health) physical damage to enemies within range and launches them for 1s. Enemies in the center take an extra (150% extra PATK) physical damage.
He can use Skill 1 while his Ultimate is in effect.
Max Level Cooldown: 40s
Level up his second skill first to gain a shield, followed by his first skill for launching enemies and also for dashing through walls. Lastly, his ultimate for huge AOE physical damage.COMBO
• S1 - S2 - S3 - S1• S1 - S2 - S1 - S3
Giant's Grip | |
Boots of Fortitude | |
Axe of Torment | |
Blazing Cape | |
Spikemail | |
Longnight Guardian |
Stealth (x5) | |
Harmony (x5) | |
Eagle Eye (x10) | |
Mutation (x10) |
Smite |
Guardian - Radiance | |
Boots of Fortitude | |
Frigid Charge | |
Ominous Premonition | |
Longnight Guardian | |
Overlord's Platemail |
Harmony (x10) | |
Void (x10) | |
Fate (x10) |
Flash |
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